Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pure Boredom

All right, so if anyone still reads this blog, they'll realize that I post infrequently. This is due to a precise set of circumstances:
1. Sleep Deprivation: Hate to bring this up again but I'm on Adderall. It's become deeply ingrained in my day-to-day life, especially when it comes to sleeping habits. College students who have taken it to cram for a test know exactly what I mean. I sleep semi-normally most nights but every once in a while my legal speed decides I should stay up all night and do nothing productive. I then proceed to take more Adderall at about 6am in order to continue through the next day like I had sleep. Mostly it just makes me antsy.
2. The Little Englishman is asleep: He's not very good at pulling all-nighters but always tries to come along for the ride when I do. He lasts until I pop a perk-me-up pill and then slumps himself into the bed. He is currently unconscious after another attempt. I just jostled him quite vigorously and shouted his name. No response whatsoever. Yet, if I play a youtube video as quiet as I can still hear, he will instantly wake up and tell me to turn it off.
3. Inspiration: For one, I have to remember this god damn blog exists which is an issue in itself as I can't even remember my sisters' birthdays (they both happen in "J," months which just fucks me up to no end and you can forget about the day.) Then, I have to have watched or read something that is amazingly creative. Usually it's a book I'm reading or some random awesome thing on StumbleUpon. This time it wasn't so much a creative thing as it was horrifying Youtube video. Also, the knowledge that no one reads facebook notes, even if they are tagged in it, makes me seek the comfort of a wider audience despite my lack of commenters. Really, it's just to put my thoughts into coherent sentences that I badger the Little Englishman into reading later. He's a big fan.
4. Utter Boredom: The Little Englishman is asleep. I'm no longer entertained by the endless drivelling of vloggers. Well not endless or drivelling, just kind of tired by the 100th video I've watched today. Modern Warfare 3 has frustrated me to the point of rage quitting. Sudoku is beyond my mental capacity. Playing fetch with Dexter is no longer amusing or cute, just painful because she doesn't realize I'm going to throw the toy again and am not stealing it. George R.R. Martin has described too many tunics, banners and breasts for me to be enthralled. We cancelled Hulu Plus and Netflix. College is out.....


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