Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teen Mom

The Little Englishman is asleep so I'm watching a show that is practically engineered to infuriate me: Teen Mom. After seeing many magazine covers plastered with these little idiots' non-events or fuck-ups, I thought I'd see for myself why it is so massive. Especially after I read something about Farrah from the show attempting to chastise Kourtney Kardashian for having another kid. Here's the tweet if you've never seen it before: "Im Shocked Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant again, Did she not learn anything from TEEN MOM? Maybe its a fake pregnancy like kims wedding SAD." Kourtney Kardashian and her man earned a little of my respect by shutting that shit down in the best way, here's the exchange. It's hilarious how dumb this bitch is. It's even more pathetic because she said all that shit about poor choices yet she is getting breasts implants in this episode I'm watching despite seeking her dead boyfriend's social security money in order to raise her kid. She's calling it "an investment," because she is a "model.":

 Has anyone watched the British show Shameless? At one point a character that looks just like Farrah gets called "Spoon-faced slapper." If you're unfamiliar with the term slapper, it basically means slut. I think that is the perfect description.

Anyway, I would like to think that this show was produced with the idea in mind that it would act as a deterrent to the 34% of teenagers that get pregnant. There's some merit to that thought given that they chose to continue following the life of Catelynn (butchery of my name to the nth degree) who gave her baby up for adoption. However, she's not the shining example of intellect (despite making such a smart decision) and her family life is messed up. Catelynn's mother and stepfather (who just so happens to be the father of Catelynn's boyfriend) berate her and make her decision out to be one of cowardice. Young girls may see this backwards, inbred parental reaction as the typical way parents respond to choosing adoption and may think it's better to keep their unwanted hellspawn. Also, the "Teen Moms," are being glorified as faux celebrities and have an overwhelming media attention placed on them. Now that most of them are no longer teens, MTV is looking for a new cast of child-mothers to fill the gap left behind. Because of this, girls are actually trying to get pregnant in order to become famous. Who would have thought that Paris Hilton would end up being a better role model by comparison because at least she used contraceptives when getting boned on video.

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