Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm Terrible At Introductions

Today I left work early because I can't take Pamprin like a normal lady without my entire body feeling numb and an overwhelming nausea replacing any cramps I may have been taking the pills for. I'm currently buzzing on Adderall, prescribed because I'm ADD, not recreational like hundreds of other college students. Anyway, Adderall makes me feel like I need to do something with my hands at all times and be productive. This usually manifests itself in my smoking an entire box of cigarettes every time I take it, but right now it's caused me to start a blog instead of napping to get over my Pamprin sickness/crampiness.

Let's get this show on the road shall we? I don't normally like introductory posts for anything be it blog, vlog, resume etc. They are never particularly interesting to the reader or the person that feels they need to write it. Alas, how else I'm I meant to start off a blog besides to give you a bit of background information on myself?

My name is Caitlin. Not Katelyn. Not Caitlyn. Not Katlynne. All the other spellings are wrong but have been proliferated within society by people who think they are being creative by changing a few letters in a traditional name. I'm kind of a student. I mean kind of because right now I am only enrolled in one class and that's Fiction at a rinky dink little community college. I was a full time student last semester but one of the teachers had a bit of a god complex and anger issues causing her to keep changing due dates of major projects based on how much this one kid pissed her off in class. I dropped that which means I have to make up the credit, or so I thought but I got accepted to the real college I'm planning to transfer to despite the glaring "W" on my transcript. In fact, I got accepted to my next college despite having dropped out of the other real college I went to before my current situation.

As I mentioned before I'm ADD and on medication for it. It's not so serious that I will get too distracted to function normally but serious enough that it comes along with crazy anxiety and horrible memory. While at the previous college I attended (University of Wisconsin in Platteville), I decided (and by decided I mean forgot) to only take my Adderall every once in a while and party every other day. My first semester wasn't so bad. I managed to get a 2.5 with one failed class (Music Appreciation). I failed that only because it was at 8 AM every morning after my usual drinking days and I figured I could blow it off. Unfortunately I blew off the class when he told us that we were going to take our final a week before we were supposed to so when I showed up on the day it should have been, the secretary told me my teacher was in Mexico. The next semester, I drank less and was determined to not fail anymore classes. That started a long string of missing both my English and Math classes which resulted in me failing those classes for the next three semesters I attended. By the last semester at UW-Platteville, I was on two or three different antidepressants and another ADD medication that caused me to be on the antidepressants and was only attending one class which was basically the school newspaper. But I made sure that one counted by doing articles for and editing the opinions section as well as doing two weekly cartoons for it. During that time I managed to also get caught drinking in the dorms twice and forgot to attend the class about drinking that allowed me to continue living in the dorms which meant I got kicked out. The final straw that caused me to leave Platteville altogether was when my boyfriend dumped me after finding out that I was cheating on him with his best friend. If this last sentence makes you dislike me, believe me, he precipitated the situation (I'll probably post more on this later).

My mom, my therapist, and I decided that it was time to move on. My mom came up with the idea that I should move in with my sister about 45 minutes from my hometown in Illinois and enroll at my current rinky dink community college. I'd rather devote an entire post to my time with my sister than explain it right here but the basics of it were that I went off the antidepressants and began regularly taking my Adderall and attending classes and achieved a better than average GPA. My sister is a very very secretive person and massively OCD. She's also a bit of a hoarder which meant I had to clean every time the house was unlivable because I had no qualms about throwing away receipts and junkmail from the last two years. She and I had epic fights over absolutely nothing (mostly the dishes) and this eventually resulted in her punching me in the head before kicking me out. Luckily, I'd already been looking for apartments and very quickly found a new place to live after staying with my grandma with dementia for a couple of days.

During my stay with my sister, I met the tiny little Englishman who now lives with me. He and I started talking on an internet dating site. I know, I know, only sad people go on those but we were both sad and lonely. After several months talking to each other for an average of four hours a night, he worked up the money to come visit me. We'd both made a bet that the first person to say "I love you" to the other would owe them a dollar. I took this bet even though I knew I felt that way already but didn't want to be in a relationship with someone who lived 4,000 miles away. Go figure on the second night of his visit we got drunk and I spilled the beans. I still owe him a dollar. He recently came back for another visit and is now working on changing his status.

Well, I didn't expect to cover the last four of years of my life in my "introduction" post. I'm going to end it here so I don't get too many "TL;DR" comments but I'll probably post again in the next five minutes since I'm bored and the tiny Englishman is playing FIFA with little boys

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